A machine to capture living sculpture
Polaroid camera, steel, cast aluminum pulleys, cable, v-belt, pvc, wood, stone
A machine to capture living sculpture is a fully mechanized solution for the documentation of audience interaction. Each posted Polaroid records its subjects’ creativity and problem solving skills, while they learn how to successfully interact with each other to activate the machine. While some participants choose to try a previously posted solution there are always people coming up with new and creative responses to the problem. The limitless possibilities create interesting social bonds through conversation while participating, spectating or closely examining each Polaroid.

The raw aesthetic of the machine reference it as a tool rather than a refined sculpture. This combined with its seemingly complex movement, involving a number of simple machines, attracts immediate interest by potential participants. The posted Polaroid photographs take the place of written instructions, providing just enough information on how to use the contraption. The primary focus of the piece comes to view while people are working together to activate the machine, which takes roughly 400lbs of force to be applied to a 16”x16” button. The interactions of participants and the corresponding responses by the spectating viewers create a unique tension which builds until the camera flashes. The Polaroid is then dispensed adding a new source of anticipation as the image slowly develops. Each Polaroid can then be, either posted to the previous records, or purchased.